The Jewish World Trail

Sonshine is developing the Jewish World Trail, an international trail that will pass through various points around the world and will be made up of unique routes that will take travelers through Jewish historical sites, communities, significant places and more. Along the trail, local Jews will serve as trail angels – volunteers who are willing to open their hearts and/or homes to Jewish travelers, from all over the world, and who will form a network of hosts and locals who can give traveler’s tips, information, and advice along the trail. The Jewish World Trail will strengthen the bond between Jews around the world by creating encounters between people, sites and communities.

The project will be implemented through the creation of a dedicated website, which will be adapted for mobile. Two groups will be able to sign up to use the website. The first are the trail angels – Jewish individuals or communities located near the trail who are prepared to serve as “angels” who provide information, host, or guide Jewish travelers, their families and friends who are coming to their area. These angels will be organized by country and city so they can be located easily. The second group is travelers – Jews and their families and friends from throughout the world who want to explore one of the trail’s routes. The website will enable travelers to be in direct contact with the trail angels who will be able to answer questions and assist them in a variety of ways, ranging from providing information about the local community to actually hosting travelers, based on what’s appropriate for the a the trail angels participating in the project.

If you would like to volunteer to be a “trail angel” or share your ideas for locations on one of the trails please contact Michal Cababia  (052) 876-1623 or